The Place for
US Manufacturers is an online community created to serve only the US manufacturers, small or large.
Our MarketPlace platform helps Buyers and Suppliers with RFQ creation and bidding.
Our Forums facilitate networking among our members by helping each other.
For more details visit How it Works. or FAQ



Membership Benefits

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Our approach is completely different from the other profit-centric websites out there that charge high monthly fees, locking you in an annual contract for thousands of dollars.
Only in our marketplace, members can act as Buyers OR Suppliers, as their business requires from the same account. One day you may look for, and bid on an existing RFQ, while on another day you post an RFQ yourself, looking for extra capacity to fulfill a contract that you may have. Our members can also use the Forums and Classifieds ad sections to network, sell, buy or place emplyment ads.

With the expansion of the Internet the traditional way of buying, selling, advertising, and even finding employees has changed. When you join us you are not a client, you are a member.

We strive to provide our US members with excellent experience. Start Now